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$4500 matching grants 
$8064 donations
TOTAL -- $12,564!!

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Thank you to our matching donors
Roundup Riders of the Rockies
​Heritage and Trails Foundation
The Trust for County Parks

In Memory of Gerianne H. 
FESC Board of Directors & Volunteers


THANKS FOR JOINING US FOR THE2022 SPRING FLING 5K POKER RIDE!Bear Creek Regional Park, Colorado SpringsIt was a great event on Saturday, April 30th ...Sunny, Blue Skies, and relatively low winds ...we couldn't have asked for a better day!  One Hundred and Fifteen (115) Participants joined us!Over $2000 was raised for thebuilding & maintenance of the skills course! 

And To You, our followers, who donated generously to the building of the course! 
We appreciate your continued support! 

Our "Rockstar" mammoth burro helped raise part of the funds for the Give! campaign with his holiday pictures.   

We love you Clyde!


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Thank you for coming
to the
Spring Fling Poker Ride, April, 2021!

We had 120 entries  ---  75 horse, 16 pack burro, 5 bikes, 17 hikers/walkers and 7 runners --- and 28 volunteers!
Final profit was right around $2000!

A big "YeeHaw!" to our sponsors..... Equiline, Boulder Running Company, Gearonimo, Mountain Ridge Gear,  Medicine Wheel Trail Advocates

Thank You for all the prizes for the high hand and low hand in each trail category!   

We so appreciate your generosity and support of the equestrian skills course. 

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